Labels:bottle | bulletin board | clock | door | stout OCR: DRAUGHT GUINNESS is regarded in Ireland and Great Britain as the definitive Guinness although it not launched until 1961. Draught Guinness is delivered with mixed gas of nitrogen and carbon dioxide which gives the characteristic smooth creamy head. One of the striking properties of Draught Guinness is the visual effect observed Soon after pint is pulled. The glass is filled DRAU GHI with swirling liquid which tumbles pue surqes eventually GUINNES separate into a black liquid and white head. The classic for a pint of Draught Guinness to be served is by using a two-part pour where the glass 24 filled, allowed to settle before filling completely to the top. Due to the invention of the Widget Draught Guinness can now be enjoved at MIST BE SERMED CO home from a can as well as on draught in a ba ...